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Josephine Foster announces new single ‘Haunted House’. From her upcoming album ‘Domestic Sphere’

Josephine Foster's Domestic Sphere is an altar cloth of songs stitched together as liturgical music for a restless homestead, whose values insist simply that everything is music and that our daily life is a sacred, innately creative practice. In such a world creaking doors reveal natural orchestras with wailing cats in service of melodic collaborations with Tennessee songbirds, Foster's world is an extra-sensory radio play in two acts, where songs overlay structures like creeping vines

Mega Bog announces new album ‘End Of Everything’. Listen to ‘The Clown’

'End of Everything' is the intrepid seventh album from Mega Bog, a nightmarish experimental pop ensemble led by Erin Elizabeth Birgy. In 2020, Birgy was surrounded by seemingly endless turmoil: mass death, a burning planet, and a personal reckoning when past traumas met fresh ones. Living in Los Angeles, against the backdrop of brilliantly horrifying forest fires, she questioned what perspective to use moving forward in such dumbfounded awe. Deciding to seize something tangible, she produced a record that spoke of surrender, of mourning, and support in the face of tumultuous self-reflection.

Josephine Foster announces new album ‘Domestic Sphere’. Listen to the first single ‘Pendulum’

Josephine Foster's Domestic Sphere is an altar cloth of songs stitched together as liturgical music for a restless homestead, whose values insist simply that everything is music and that our daily life is a sacred, innately creative practice. In such a world creaking doors reveal natural orchestras with wailing cats in service of melodic collaborations with Tennessee songbirds, Foster's world is an extra-sensory radio play in two acts, where songs overlay structures like creeping vines