

Amber Arcades new album ‘Barefoot On Diamond Road’ is out today

A record of engaging maturity, filled with slow motion builds and epic lifts that elevate it to dizzying heights

Immaterial Possession announce new album ‘Mercy Of The Crane Folk’. Watch video for ‘To The Fete’

‘Mercy Of The Crane Folk’  is the beautifully accomplished second album from Athens GA’s Immaterial Possession. A theatrical soundscape littered with subconscious flashbacks, retro keyboard flurries, wandering Morricone-esque guitar and dreamy Sumac-like harmonies.

Amber Arcades reveals new video for ‘True Love’. New album ‘Barefoot On Diamond Road’ out this Friday

Directed by Stephen Agnew, this new video explores psychedelic monochromatic paganism. Drawing visual inspiration from Dadaism, Irish Wicca and Catholic iconography

Josephine Foster announces new album ‘Domestic Sphere’. Listen to the first single ‘Pendulum’

Josephine Foster's Domestic Sphere is an altar cloth of songs stitched together as liturgical music for a restless homestead, whose values insist simply that everything is music and that our daily life is a sacred, innately creative practice. In such a world creaking doors reveal natural orchestras with wailing cats in service of melodic collaborations with Tennessee songbirds, Foster's world is an extra-sensory radio play in two acts, where songs overlay structures like creeping vines