Faten Kanaan ‘A Mythology of Circles’ Press Reactions
A special magic surrounds this deeply evocative new album…remarkably unusual
Electronic Sound

★★★★★ The Vinyl District
★★★★½ All Music
★★★★½ Music OMH
★★★★ Mojo
★★★★ Uncut
★★★★ Narc
★★★★ Written In Music
★★★★ Rumore
★★★★½ Fathipster
★★★★ Maria Stacks
★★★½ Kronen Zeitung
★★★½ Ondarock
“What makes it truly stand out is its remarkable sense of mystery, the occulted significance in its references to cosmology and greek myth.” The Quietus
“A special magic surrounds this deeply evocative new album…remarkably unusual” Electronic Music
“Compelling” Uncut
“Faten Kanaan’s handmade approach to electronica let’s playfulness weave through her cinematic forms, as orchestral tapestries, chamber folk and electronics commune” Mojo
“Much like electronic pioneers Tangerine Dream, Kanaan is a natural spellcaster of analog synth warmth, creating fantastic worlds” All Music
“Appealingly mercurial” The Vinyl District
“This is an astonishing work, one that highlights Kanaan’s remarkable worldview, that you’ll unconsciously find yourself gravitating back to, time and time again.” Music OMH
“Evoking lofty themes it has undeniably visceral cinematic effect” Gorilla Vs Bear
“You feel like you’ve walked away from a new and riveting Tarkovsky film rather than an electronica record.” Treblezine
“Kanaan’s work is always entrancing (…) an emotional deep dive into strange waters.” Elsewhere, by Graham Reid
“Astonishing (…) fascinated by what we hear” Kiyi Muzik
“Erhaben” Artnoir
“Wunderbare Entspannungsplatte” Kronen Zeitung
“Ähnlich wie Tangerine Dream ist Kanaan eine natürliche Zauberin analoger Synth-Wärme, die fantastische Welten erschafft. Das Ergebnis ist eine reichhaltige elektronische Collage voller Nuancen und Mystik.” Maria Stacks
“Vakre” Deichman Musikkbloggen
“Plus on écoute Faten Kanaan, plus on en découvre la profondeur et les mystérieux contours.” Pan M 360
“Cet album peu vous servir de bande son transitoire dans votre recherche d’identité terrestre” Paskal Larsen
“Hudbou, která je intimní, přívětivá a plná pozitivní energie” ART
“Hypnotiserend mooi” The Daily Indie
“Een opvallende plaat; een indringende luisterervaring, een contemplatieve wandeling door de avond en de nacht, eindigend in een droomwereld. (…) een bijzonder album” Written In Music
“Wat is dit een mooi, bijzonder en intrigerend album” De Krenten Uit De Pop
“Een wereld vol harmonie en schoonheid en met goed verborgen nuances zoals enkel elfen die zouden kunnen verzinnen. Vol samenhang en samenhorigheid, zoals het mystieke netwerk van leven en natuur. Dit is een ultiem genietalbum” DaMusic
“Canciones embriagadoras y absorbentes” Mindies
“Sogno e tensione” Rumore
“Elegante” Il Cibicida
“Uno dei nomi da segnare sul taccuino” Ondarock
“Un disco di qualità e pieno di spunti interessanti” Il Popolo Del Blues
“Vengono in mente le composizioni di Brian Eno e Bowie per i secondi lati di “Low” e “Heroes,” ma con un tocco di “cosmico” in più.” Infinite Jest
“Bulunduğunuz yerden çok çok uzaklara seyahat ettiğinizden emin olmak istiyor.” BantMag
Much like electronic pioneers Tangerine Dream, Kanaan is a natural spellcaster of analog synth warmth, creating fantastic worlds
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